Have you ever heard the expression that you can’t out-exercise a bad diet? There’s a lot of truth to it. For long-term health, and to fully reach your fitness goals, it’s imperative that you support your exercise habit with healthy eating habits.

We see some very common dietary “mistakes” time and again with our clients that are impeding their success. One of the most common we see in clients who have stubborn fat to lose is that they eat poorly throughout the day. But this doesn’t necessarily mean they eat too much – in fact, they’re usually eating too little, and choosing the wrong things.

Then, they’ll get home at the end of the day famished and end up eating too many of the wrong things. Many people – especially busy professionals – look at eating as a chore during the day while in work-mode, and a luxury at night while they’re relaxing, which can lead to trouble.

If this sounds like you, here are some tips for getting your diet on track:

Personal Training Toronto
A combination of regular exercise along with healthy eating is the key to fitness results.

How to See Results with Your Diet

1. Eat often

Start with a big healthy breakfast and aim for a meal or snack every few hours. Usually the easiest way to achieve this is by having a morning snack between breakfast and lunch, and an afternoon snack around 3 or 4pm. 

2. Eat mindfully

This means being away from your desk, if possible. Don’t shovel your food in as fast as you can. Eat slowly and consciously. Enjoy your food – and the brief reprieve from your work.

3. Eliminate packaged/processed foods

This means no microwave lunches or 100-calorie packages of snacks; nothing low-fat. Instead, go for whole, natural, unpackaged foods.

4. Incorporate protein into every meal and snack

This will help you feel full and boost your metabolism. It might sound tough but it’s easier than you think – instead of just an apple, have an apple and a handful of nuts. Instead of carrots, carrots with some hummus. You get the idea.

5. Load up on fruits and vegetables

Lots of salads (with protein, of course), and unlimited veggies as snacks. Fruit is good too but, since it is sweeter, you should aim for one to four servings per day, depending on your goals

personal trainer toronto
A balanced whole foods diet full of protein, fruit and vegetables is a sure way to success.

Consistency is Key

Following these steps will ensure your body gets the consistent energy it needs from quality sources throughout the day, so you won’t feel the need to overeat in the evenings. You can expect to have more energy and fewer cravings and we bet that before long you’ll notice some fat loss as well.

If you want more help with your exercise routine – and your diet too – reach out to us. We offer complimentary fitness consultations and first workouts and we offer personal trainers in Toronto and in Collingwood, or in virtual sessions wherever you are in the world. Our platinum sessions include nutritional counselling to help you stay on track. Apply for your free workout to get the ball rolling.