Modern technology is continuously evolving, and the boom of the internet and digital devices has significantly transformed the way we communicate, work, and interact with information. Though the convenience, connection, and accessibility brought on by these innovations is inarguable, there has been a less-discussed yet very real consequence: the adverse impact on our posture. 

The widespread use of computers, smartphones, and other gadgets has led to a prevalent issue of poor posture among individuals of all ages. The problem is directly linked to the sedentary nature of using these devices, often resulting in a myriad of musculoskeletal problems. Which is where we come in. Our top-notch team of experienced personal trainers has the knowledge and expertise to help you correct and improve your posture. Read on for our top tips for standing tall. 

Tips to improve your posture


Engaging in a regular stretching routine is one of the best things you can do for your posture. Stretches specifically targeted towards the muscles that commonly become tight or strained due to poor posture—such as the chest, shoulders, neck, and lower back—can play a pivotal role in enhancing flexibility and mobility. 

Consistently elongating and loosening these muscles can alleviate tension and stiffness, allowing for a more natural alignment of the body, and counteracting the negative effects of prolonged sitting or hunching, ultimately promoting an upright and healthier posture.

Some key stretches include:

Chest Opener: Stand tall with your feet hip width apart. Clasp your hands together behind your back and reach your knuckles towards the floor, pulling your shoulder blades together and down. Make sure to avoid over-arching in the lower back; maintain a neutral spine position as you stretch. Breath deep and hold for at least 30 seconds. This stretch targets the pectoralis muscles (chest) and the fronts of the shoulders (anterior deltoids).

Cross-body Shoulder Stretch: Stand or sit up tall, maintaining a neutral spine position. Pull one arm across your chest with the opposite arm, dropping the shoulder of the cross-body arm down and away from your ear. Hold each arm for at least 30 seconds. This stretch targets the posterior deltoids (back of the shoulder) and promotes shoulder mobility.

Side Neck Stretch: Stand or sit up tall, maintaining a neutral spine position. Now drop your right ear to your right shoulder. To increase the stretch, drop your left shoulder down. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side. This stretch targets the sides of the neck.

Lower Back Release: Stand with your feet hip width apart. Drop your chin to your chest and allow the weight of your head to roll you down into a forward fold, relaxing the weight of your body over your legs and bending your knees as much as feels comfortable. Keeping your knees very bent is key, as this allows the release to favour the lower back rather than the hamstrings. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

Child’s Pose: If a forward fold doesn’t work for your body, try a child’s pose! First, kneel with your feet and ankles together and sit on your feet. If keeping your knees together doesn’t work for your body, no problem: you can keep them wide. Next, reach your arms forward by your ears as you bring your chest towards the floor. Hold for at least 30 seconds.

Downward Dog: Begin on all fours with your wrists below your shoulders and your knees below your hips. Curl your toes under and send your hips up and back as you drop your chest towards your toes to form a triangle position. Relax your head and neck and keep a slight bend in your elbows and knees. This stretch targets many muscle groups including the chest, shoulders, and back. Hold for at least 30 seconds.


Targeted strengthening exercises can go a long way towards correcting and enhancing posture by addressing muscular imbalances and weaknesses that contribute to poor alignment. By focusing on specific muscle groups—such as the core, back extensors, glutes, and muscles surrounding the shoulders and neck—you can better support your spine and maintain proper alignment. 

Exercises like planks, bridges, rows, and shoulder blade retractions help to strengthen the core and back muscles, promoting stability and reducing the tendency for slouching or rounded shoulders. As these muscles become stronger, they can better withstand the stresses imposed by prolonged sitting or poor posture habits. Consistent practice of targeted strengthening exercises also aids in preventing future posture-related issues, promoting overall musculoskeletal health and a more confident, aligned posture. Some key exercises include:

Forearm Plank: Bring your forearms to the floor with your elbows below your shoulders. Step your feet out and hip-width apart to fully extend the body. Brace your core and glutes while keeping your shoulders away from your ears, maintaining one long line from the head to the heels. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then work your way up to 1 minute.

Glute Bridges: Begin in a semi-supine position (lay on your back with your bent knees) with your feet hip-width apart. Brace your core, then push down through your heels as you squeeze your glutes to lift your hips as high as you can without arching in the lower back. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps.

Shoulder Blade Retractions (“T”): Stand or sit up tall, maintaining a neutral spine position. Bring your arms up to a “T” position with your palms facing up and your thumbs back. Now, drive your thumbs back by pulling your shoulder blades together, keeping them down away from the ears. Be careful not to arch your back here; maintain a braced core. Return to the start. Repeat 3 sets of 15 reps.

For more inspiration, check out these recommendations from the global director of training and coaching for Ironman, Earl Walton 


Poor posture can be a killer of confidence and a source of pain and discomfort. But stretching and strength training can keep you looking and feeling your best (and tallest) – and we can certainly help with that if you’re looking for guidance and support. Contact us today to learn more – or book a free, no-obligation first workout.