First, we chat! The conversation portion is arguably the most important aspect of your first workout. Before we can begin to assess your current fitness, we need a basic understanding of your health and physical history. This is essential for safety reasons, especially if you have a pre-existing condition.
We’ll ask about your current activity level, what kinds of physical activity you enjoy, and what kinds of exercise (if any) you have experience with. We want to know what makes you move and why exercise is important to you. We’ll also touch on your nutrition habits, sleeping patterns, and stress levels, as these elements are all directly linked to your fitness.
Once you’re feeling comfortable and we have an idea of where to start, we’ll begin to move. The exercise portion of your first session will not be overly strenuous. Rather than leading you through a full workout, we’ll guide you through a series of movement screens, flexibility tests, and cardiovascular assessments to look for imbalances, overactive muscles, or mobility issues. We’ll also assess your posture and cardiovascular capabilities. This information will be key for your trainer, as it’s essential to correct poor movement habits or issues before tackling more advanced goals.
Once your initial screening concludes, we may throw a few more challenging exercises your way. More experienced trainees may fly through the movement screens. If that is the case, we’ll spend some time testing your comfort level with more challenging movements and/or combinations. We’ll then work together to begin setting an initial goal that makes sense for you.