
How much water do you *really* need?

Water makes up about 60% of our body weight and is crucial for almost every bodily function, from flushing out toxins to aiding digestion and regulating your body temperature. But how much water do we really need each day? The answer isn’t as simple as you may think. how much water do we really need each day? THE MYTH One […]


Fasting vs. eating breakfast: What you need to know

The debate around intermittent fasting in the morning – rather than eating breakfast – has gained attention in recent years. Health professionals and enthusiasts often find themselves on opposite sides of the discussion, which can make personal decisions in the matter more challenging. Before deciding which option is best for you, it’s important to consider the arguments for both practices […]


Sugar: How Much is Too Much?

Sugar is found in everything from fruits and vegetables to processed foods and drinks. While it tastes delicious, excessive sugar intake can have serious health consequences. Understanding how sugar affects your body and knowing how much you should consume can help you make healthier choices.THE EFFECT OF SUGARSugar is a quick source of energy because it’s rapidly digested, which means […]


Simple vs. Complex Carbs: What’s the Difference?

“Carbohydrates provide essential nutrients and are one of the main sources of calories for our bodies” (American Heart Association, 2023). However, not all carbs are created equal. They can be broadly organized into two categories: simple and complex carbohydrates. Understanding the differences between these categories is key to making smart dietary choices, especially when it comes to fueling in-home personal […]


Book Review: The Obesity Code by Jason Fung

In the world of fitness and weight loss, there’s a pervasive myth that revolves around calorie counting. Clients come to us, time and again, feeling frustrated and stuck in their weight loss journey despite diligently counting every calorie and sacrificing their favourite foods.It’s a tough cycle to break, and it’s exactly why I (Poul Nielsen!) am writing today’s blog post. […]


A Primer on Protein Powder

Protein powder has surged in popularity, becoming a staple in the diets of many exercise enthusiasts, athletes, and health-conscious eaters. The general population’s growing awareness of the importance of protein in supporting muscle growth (and overall well-being) is directly linked to this rising trend, and “research suggests protein supplementation can assist with increasing muscle mass, enhancing athletic performance and even […]


How to build muscle on a plant-based diet

In the realm of fitness and strength, the idea of building substantial muscle on a vegan diet was once met with skepticism. Traditional beliefs centered around the necessity of animal-based proteins for muscle growth and strength. However, as plant-based lifestyles gain traction and scientific research evolves, it’s becoming increasingly evident that achieving significant muscle gains on a vegan diet is […]


Why Thin Doesn’t Always = Healthy

The other day one of our virtual personal training clients, who is in great shape, told me that one of her friends remarked to her, “Why on earth do you work out? You’re skinny!” This comment is an example of a great misconception in our society: that skinny = healthy.This client can deadlift and squat more than her own body […]


What and when to eat before working out

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of your workout, what you eat beforehand plays a crucial role. Pre-exercise nutrition can boost your energy levels, enhance performance, and help you achieve your fitness goals. But what – and when – to eat pre-workout is a source of confusion for many, which is why we’ve put together this handy guide: what to […]


Book Review: The Longevity Diet

Hello! Poul Nielsen here.  I am always on the lookout for resources that can help our clients live healthier, longer lives and today I want to talk to you about  The Longevity Diet. This book, written by Valter Longo, first caught my attention for its promise to not only help readers shed some pounds but also improve overall health and increase […]