
Why we love push ups

Push-ups are one of those exercises that most people love to hate. However, there are many good reasons why they are worth doing – and why they remain a staple in our in-home and virtual personal training toolbox:FUNCTION & PRACTICALITYNielsen Fitness believes in functional fitness. Our private trainers take a health-first approach; improving our client’s health and function is at […]


The Underrated Skill of Body Awareness

The focus of fitness is so often aesthetic, which makes it easy to focus solely on the external aspects of workouts: losing weight, gaining muscle definition, or moving with more strength, speed, and power.While these are fantastic fitness goals, a crucial element of fitness success is often overlooked: the quality of your mind-muscle connection and kinesthetic awareness. Read on to […]


Cardio 101: Low vs. high impact & which to prioritize

Cardiovascular exercise is a key component of good health. Regular cardio “has been shown to improve everything from body composition to sleep quality” (Well & Good, 2024). On top of this, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally (yes, you read that right), which further highlights the importance of incorporating cardiovascular activity into your fitness routine. There’s a […]


How to balance strength training and cardio

Strength and cardio training — whether in-home, outside, or at the gym — are unique in their advantages. It’s essential to incorporate both for optimal health and performance. In fact, “large-scale epidemiological studies suggest that meeting only the aerobic exercise guidelines lowers your risk of premature death from any cause by 15 to 35 percent. Meeting only the strength training […]


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): What, Why & How

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a workout characterized by alternating periods of high intensity exercise (such as sprinting or jumping) with periods of lower intensity exercise or rest. While some strength improvement can happen during HIIT, its nature is inherently cardiovascular.HIIT Training: How to Get StartedThe goal of HIIT is typically to maximize calorie burn while improving cardiovascular fitness and […]


How to handle fitness setbacks

Experiencing setbacks in the gym can be discouraging to say the least. Whether it’s an unexpected injury, a busy schedule disrupting consistent workouts, or a progress plateau, setbacks can significantly impact motivation and progress – but this can be mitigated with the right mindset and approach.Successfully overcoming exercise setbacks requires resilience and a shift in mindset. Navigating through fitness challenges […]


Five of our favourite compound exercises

Compound exercises are a fundamental component of our personal training programs, both in-home and online – and for good reason. “Not including compound exercises in your programme is on par with forgetting your headphones or not re-racking your weights. It’s a fitness faux pas that experts unanimously agree, should be avoided at all costs” (Men’s Health, 2023).Compound exercises are movements […]


8 reasons to vary your exercise routine

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to the world of fitness, the importance of variety in your exercise routine cannot be overstated. While consistency is the true key to any results, in most cases, incorporating a diverse range of exercise styles and movements is optimal for functional health, longevity, and enjoyment.8 ways to amp up your fitness routine1. BREAKING […]


My muscles are sore! Should I work out?

Post-workout soreness, commonly known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS for short), is a familiar sensation for most. For some, the ache is a satisfying feeling; you know you’ve challenged yourself and are growing stronger. For others, it can be an uncomfortable nuisance. Whether you like the feeling or not, DOMS can leave you pondering whether it’s acceptable to push through […]


Why you should aim for consistency over perfection

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of striving for perfection. Our Instagram and Pinterest feeds are flooded with seemingly flawless fitness models portraying an “ideal lifestyle” of fasted cardio, daily green juice, zero added sugar, and washboard abs. The image of these flawless workout and meal plans, perfectly executed with impeccable form, discipline, […]