In Home Training

4 reasons to consider virtual training

More of the workforce is going remote every day, and the world of personal training has followed suit. Virtual workouts are a fantastic way to double down on your commitment to fitness without losing the key accountability factor of working with a private trainer: a women’s study from the University of Toronto found that “significant positive relationships were found between […]


A Primer on Protein Powder

Protein powder has surged in popularity, becoming a staple in the diets of many exercise enthusiasts, athletes, and health-conscious eaters. The general population’s growing awareness of the importance of protein in supporting muscle growth (and overall well-being) is directly linked to this rising trend, and “research suggests protein supplementation can assist with increasing muscle mass, enhancing athletic performance and even […]


Five of our favourite compound exercises

Compound exercises are a fundamental component of our personal training programs, both in-home and online – and for good reason. “Not including compound exercises in your programme is on par with forgetting your headphones or not re-racking your weights. It’s a fitness faux pas that experts unanimously agree, should be avoided at all costs” (Men’s Health, 2023).Compound exercises are movements […]


8 reasons to vary your exercise routine

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or new to the world of fitness, the importance of variety in your exercise routine cannot be overstated. While consistency is the true key to any results, in most cases, incorporating a diverse range of exercise styles and movements is optimal for functional health, longevity, and enjoyment.8 ways to amp up your fitness routine1. BREAKING […]


My muscles are sore! Should I work out?

Post-workout soreness, commonly known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS for short), is a familiar sensation for most. For some, the ache is a satisfying feeling; you know you’ve challenged yourself and are growing stronger. For others, it can be an uncomfortable nuisance. Whether you like the feeling or not, DOMS can leave you pondering whether it’s acceptable to push through […]


Intermittent Fasting: What, How and Why?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary practice that’s getting a lot of attention these days. In a nutshell, it involves fitting all your calories for the day into a condensed window of time and ‘fasting’ outside those hours. Many intermittent fasters eat within an eight-hour window – for example, noon to 8pm – and fast for the remaining 16 hours […]


Why you should aim for consistency over perfection

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of striving for perfection. Our Instagram and Pinterest feeds are flooded with seemingly flawless fitness models portraying an “ideal lifestyle” of fasted cardio, daily green juice, zero added sugar, and washboard abs. The image of these flawless workout and meal plans, perfectly executed with impeccable form, discipline, […]


6 ways to stay active in winter

As the temperature drops, it’s tempting to stay indoors and hibernate until spring. Netflix may be calling your name, but maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, especially during the winter months. Embrace the chill this season with invigorating ways to exercise that will keep you warm while making the most of the snowy wonderland outside. […]