Personal Trainer Toronto

Intermittent Fasting: What, How and Why?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a dietary practice that’s getting a lot of attention these days. In a nutshell, it involves fitting all your calories for the day into a condensed window of time and ‘fasting’ outside those hours. Many intermittent fasters eat within an eight-hour window – for example, noon to 8pm – and fast for the remaining 16 hours […]


Why you should aim for consistency over perfection

In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, it’s easy to fall into the trap of striving for perfection. Our Instagram and Pinterest feeds are flooded with seemingly flawless fitness models portraying an “ideal lifestyle” of fasted cardio, daily green juice, zero added sugar, and washboard abs. The image of these flawless workout and meal plans, perfectly executed with impeccable form, discipline, […]


6 ways to stay active in winter

As the temperature drops, it’s tempting to stay indoors and hibernate until spring. Netflix may be calling your name, but maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for both physical and mental well-being, especially during the winter months. Embrace the chill this season with invigorating ways to exercise that will keep you warm while making the most of the snowy wonderland outside. […]


5 reasons why building and maintaining muscle mass is critical

Muscle mass is a vital component of our overall health and well-being that should not be overlooked. Beyond the aesthetic benefits of a toned physique, preserving muscle mass plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives. In this blog, we’ll explore five reasons why it’s essential to prioritize the maintenance of muscle mass throughout our lives. METABOLISM AND […]


How to build muscle on a plant-based diet

In the realm of fitness and strength, the idea of building substantial muscle on a vegan diet was once met with skepticism. Traditional beliefs centered around the necessity of animal-based proteins for muscle growth and strength. However, as plant-based lifestyles gain traction and scientific research evolves, it’s becoming increasingly evident that achieving significant muscle gains on a vegan diet is […]


Why Thin Doesn’t Always = Healthy

The other day one of our virtual personal training clients, who is in great shape, told me that one of her friends remarked to her, “Why on earth do you work out? You’re skinny!” This comment is an example of a great misconception in our society: that skinny = healthy.This client can deadlift and squat more than her own body […]


How to Establish a New Fitness Routine

Whether it’s January and you’re a resolution-making kind of person, or it’s September and you’re a parent, teacher or professional student, it’s the time of new beginnings, and of return to routine – which makes it an ideal time to establish a new healthy habit.Here are 3 tips to help set you up for success and establish a new fitness […]


Afraid to start exercising? This one’s for you.

It can be scary to make changes in your life – even positive ones, like starting to exercise. The reasons for that are complex and largely a result of our brain’s effort to keep us in our comfort zone (aka safe). But it is possible to push through this resistance – and some understanding of the factors that might be at […]