Personal Trainer Toronto

when it comes to exercise, personalization matters. here’s why.

Fitness isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal – it’s more personal that that. What works for one person won’t for another, and different goals (and starting points) merit different approaches. It’s all about finding what gets YOU moving, keeps you healthy, and makes you feel good. That’s where personalized training that incorporates strength, cardio, and flexibility can be so effective. […]


The benefits of strength training for older adults

As we get older, taking care of our bodies becomes more important than ever. It’s no secret that maintaining a regular exercise routine is essential for overall health and well-being. But what about strength training after 50? Is it really necessary? The answer is yes! In fact, strength training becomes even more crucial as we age. Not only does it enhance quality […]


Exercise is the key to longevity

Exercise is a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle, but its significance extends far beyond immediate physical gains. One of the most critical aspects of exercise is its profound impact on longevity: not only in terms of years lived, but in terms of vitality and independence also. At Nielsen Fitness, we think longevity should be part of your ‘why’ for engaging in […]


How to improve your posture through exercise

Modern technology is continuously evolving, and the boom of the internet and digital devices has significantly transformed the way we communicate, work, and interact with information. Though the convenience, connection, and accessibility brought on by these innovations is inarguable, there has been a less-discussed yet very real consequence: the adverse impact on our posture. The widespread use of computers, smartphones, and […]


What you need to know about alcohol and your health

In our society, alcohol is, quite literally, everywhere. It is seen as a non-negotiable part of social gatherings and celebrations, a weekly (or, for some, daily) ritual, and a source of comfort during times of stress. While moderate drinking might seem harmless or even culturally normal, the inconvenient truth is that the negative effects of alcohol on health and fitness […]


the nielsen fitness scope of practice

In the realm of health and fitness, Nielsen Fitness trainers can be seen as beacons of guidance, motivation, and transformation. Our role extends far beyond just counting reps or prescribing workout routines. We are the architects of holistic well-being, supporting individuals on their journey towards optimal fitness, health, and lifestyle change.Our scope of practice encompasses a multifaceted array of skills, […]


how to protect your knees from pain

As pivotal joints in our body, the knees bear the brunt of our movements and activities. This makes them susceptible to wear and tear over time.Whether you’re dealing with knee pain or aiming to prevent it, adopting a holistic approach to knee health is paramount. In this guide, we’ll delve into the many causes of knee pain and discuss exercise […]


Building a home gym? Here are our top equipment recos

In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time to hit the gym can be a challenge. As a result, more and more fitness enthusiasts are turning to the convenience of home gyms and in-home personal trainers.Though a home gym is not a requirement to work with us (in fact, all you need is a small amount of space and […]


What and when to eat before working out

When it comes to maximizing the effectiveness of your workout, what you eat beforehand plays a crucial role. Pre-exercise nutrition can boost your energy levels, enhance performance, and help you achieve your fitness goals. But what – and when – to eat pre-workout is a source of confusion for many, which is why we’ve put together this handy guide: what to […]